Colin Porter – Customer Experience Manager

Colin Porter

How long have you worked at Booths?

I’ve worked for Booths for 36 years!

How did you get into your role here at Booths?

Once I’d finished school I got a job at the St Annes store for over the summer and never really left! I had various roles including working on the meat counter, creating the role of fresh food manager, working alongside our suppliers, dealing with customers and selling products (which I love). I lived locally but would cycle 8 miles to and from work in all weathers, until I got my first motorbike.  As time went on, more opportunities arose and with new store openings in Windermere, Knutsford, Longton and Ilkley, it was decided, after a conversation with Edwin that we needed to be more customer centric and a new role was created here at Central Office.

What responsibilities do you have as part of your role?

Ensuring customers have a great in store experience and service. I also work on store feedback, tastings, our work with food banks and charities whilst looking for opportunities to promote the brand outside of the business.

What’s your favourite thing about working for Booths?

The people = the customers, the colleagues and the opportunity to make people smile and try new and exciting products that we sell.

What challenges do you face as part of your role?

Trying to do everything and balancing different opportunities!

What’s your favourite Booths products?

We have an amazing condiments range which I think often gets over looked. There’s a brilliant selection of sauces, relish, ketchups, oils and mayo etc…   It’s much underrated and overlooked and can make a huge difference to everybody’s cooking and I love PERFECT SALT!

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Without saying the obvious, family etc… I would have to say my career at Booths, the friends I have made both in and out of work and the partnerships with our foodbank and surplus food partners. I am especially proud to say I got and invite to the Queens Garden Party to represent Booths for the work we do in supporting members of our community.

Read more about Our People.