Butternut Squash, Peppers, Cheese & Beans Pasty

- 2 large red peppers, finely sliced
- 2 large red onions, finely sliced
- 1 butternut squash, finely diced
- 250g mature Cheddar, grated
- 1 tin kidney beans, drained
- 1 egg, lightly beaten to glaze
- Salt & Pepper
- For the Sweet Section
- 1 jar rhubarb & ginger jam
- 1 jar stem ginger in syrup, finely sliced
Our meatfree take on a traditional tin miner’s style pasty, which contains both a sweet and savoury section – a whole meal in one.
- Preheat the oven to 200c / 400f / gas mark 6
- Unroll the pastry and using a small side plate as a guide cut out four discs of pastry.
- Bear in mind, you will only be placing filling onto one half of the disc, the other side will close over the top. Cut a small oblong of pastry from the leftover scraps, brush a little milk on one edge and stick to the pastry disc on the side you will add the fillings to, to divide that half into 2/3 and 1/3 – it will keep the savoury and sweet sections apart.
- As you add the fillings, remember to leave a gap at the edge of the pastry so you can close and seal it. Divide the veggies, beans and cheese evenly between the pasties.
- In the sweet side of the pasty, add a dollop of the jam and scattter with diced ginger.
- Brush with the beaten egg along the edge, then close the pastry over both fillings to form a pasty shape.
- Carefully crimp the edges together with a fork and glaze with beaten egg. Pierec some air holes into the top of the pastry to allow steam to escape.
- Bake for 30 minutes until golden and cooked through.