Nutella and Caramelised Banana Pancakes

- McDougalls Pancake Mix
- 4 Bananas
- 8 Heaped Tbsp Golden Syrup
- 2 Tsp Vanilla Essence
- 4 Tsp Hot Water
- 2 Heaped Tsp Unsalted Butter
- Nutella to serve
- Chocolate chip chunks to serve
In the battle of SweetVSsavoury, or BananaVSBuckwheat, why not try your hand at making our delicious sweet pancakes?
- Follow the instructions on the McDougalls pancake mix to make your batter, or create your own – tap here for our perfect pancake recipe. Whisk the batter until really smooth and transfer to a large jug. Set aside for 20-30 minutes if you have time or you can use right away.
- To make the caramelised bananas heat the golden syrup,vanilla and water in a saucepan over a medium heat for 1-2 minutes until becomes syrupy.
- Add the banana slices to the pan and swirl until coated in the syrup.
- Add the butter to the pan and cook for further 2 minutes. Place saucepan of caramelised banana to one side until ready to use. (Give it a quick heat in the pan just before serving.)
- Lightly grease a medium frying pan using oiled kitchen paper, then place over a medium heat.
- Place half a ladle of batter into the pan and swirl around until the batter covers the bottom of the pan.
- After 1 minute or so the pancake should be ready to turn. Using a fish slice gently ease the pancake from around the sides of the pan before turning it over – or if you’re feeling confident give it a flip! Cook for 1 minute on the opposite side or until the pancake becomes golden brown.
- Transfer on to a plate and add a tablespoon of Nutella evenly spreading it across the whole pancake.
- Fold pancake into quarters and top with the caramelised banana, a sprinkle of chocolate chip chunks and finish with a dusting of icing sugar.
Chef’s Tip
If you have time, set the batter aside for 20-30 minutes – This should give you a better pancake texture.